All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
AgreeToExit myGlobals


AngleMut myGlobals


AnimalClawsMut myGlobals


AnimalLegsMut myGlobals


AnimalPicture Ted

Tells where Height, Width, Angle go in a CumParams.

AnimalStarts Ted

Just holds one animal, compactly

AnimalTrunkMut myGlobals


AppleMenu InitTheMenus

Initialize the menus

Atom Ted


AtomArray Ted


AtomHdl Ted


AtomKind Ted

2500 would allow 18 Animals with 15 segments each and 4 joints per segment.

AtomPtr Ted

where to look in the BoneYard for the next atom.

A_Error_Alert Error_Alert


BoneYard Ted

where the AnimalTrunk.Width is multiplied by SegmentTrunk.Width

box myGlobals


Breed Ted


BreedersChoice Ted

index of first atom on an Animal

BreedingWindow myGlobals


BreedWindow myGlobals


centre myGlobals


centring myGlobals


ClawsMut myGlobals


Close_About_Arthromorphs About_Arthromorphs

Close our window

Close_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Close our window

Close_Genome_Window Genome_Window

Close our window

Concentration myGlobals


CountAtoms Ted


CumParams Ted

a number for each kind of Atom

CurrentGenome Ted


DeletionMut myGlobals


Do_About_Arthromorphs About_Arthromorphs

Handle action to our window, like controls

Do_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Handle action to our window, like controls

Do_Genome_Window Genome_Window

Handle action to our window, like controls

Draw Ted

Call right at end of whole program

DrawBoxes boxes


DrawInBox Ted


DuplicationMut myGlobals


D_Engineering_Window Engineering_Window


D_Preferences Preferences


EastPole Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

evolve Ted


f Ted


flipWantColor Ted


FocusOfAttention myGlobals


FreePointer Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

GradientFactor Ted


Handle_My_Menu HandleTheMenus


HeightMut myGlobals


HorizontalOffset myGlobals


Hot myGlobals


InitBoneYard Ted


Init_About_Arthromorphs About_Arthromorphs

Initialize us so all our routines can be activated

Init_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Initialize us so all our routines can be activated

Init_Genome_Window Genome_Window

Initialize us so all our routines can be activated

Init_My_Menus InitTheMenus


KindsData Ted

7 SegmentJoint, 8 Joint, 9 Claw, 10 spare

LegsMut myGlobals


LevelLocs Ted


LoadArthromorph Ted


MakeAllAtomMutations Richard


MakeAllBodyMutations Richard


MaxBoxes myGlobals


MidBox myGlobals


Midriff Ted


MiniFree Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

miniSize Ted


MiniYard Ted

all atoms live here.

MutationPressure myGlobals


MyInit initialize


M_Edit InitTheMenus

Menu handle

M_File InitTheMenus

Menu handle

M_Operation InitTheMenus

Menu handle

M_View InitTheMenus

Menu handle

naive Ted


NBoxes myGlobals


NCols myGlobals


NewMinimal Ted


NorthPole Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

NRows myGlobals


OldHorizontalOffset myGlobals


OldVerticalOffset myGlobals


Open_About_Arthromorphs About_Arthromorphs

Open our window and draw everything

Open_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Open our window and draw everything

Open_Genome_Window Genome_Window

Open our window and draw everything

Overlap myGlobals


ParamOffset Ted

start searching from here for free blocks

Prect myGlobals


Pressure myGlobals


PrintMiddle Richard


QuitGracefully Ted


RecordBottom Ted


RecordTop Ted


Resized_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Handle resizing scrollbars

resizing myGlobals


SaveArthromorph Ted


scale Ted


SecondSegmentAtomNo Ted


SectionClawsMut myGlobals


SectionLegsMut myGlobals


SectionTrunkMut myGlobals


SegmentClawsMut myGlobals


SegmentCounter Ted


SegmentLegsMut myGlobals


SegmentTrunkMut myGlobals


SetUpBoxes boxes


sideways myGlobals


Slide boxes


SmallAtomArray Ted

for the real thing, use 2500

SouthPole Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

Special myGlobals


StartDocument Ted


startingUp myGlobals


Tandem Ted


TellError Ted


thickscale myGlobals


TrunkMut myGlobals


UpDateAnimals Ted

***call this as Evolve(MyPt) from Do_Breeding_Window immediately after defining MyPt

Update_About_Arthromorphs About_Arthromorphs

Update our window, someone uncovered a part of us

Update_Breeding_Window Breeding_Window

Update our window, someone uncovered a part of us

Update_Genome_Window Genome_Window

Update our window, someone uncovered a part of us

upregion myGlobals


VerticalOffset myGlobals


wantColor myGlobals


WestPole Ted

indexes of starts of all the Animals on the screen

WidthMut myGlobals


YardSize Ted


Generated by PasDoc 0.14.0.