Unit Pedigree

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Functions and Procedures

PROCEDURE ViewPedigree;
PROCEDURE PhylogNew (Biomorph: Person);
PROCEDURE DrawOutFrom (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Detach (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Shoot (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION MouseInBox (MLoc: Point; VAR ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE FollowMouse (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION IsAnAdam (ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION Created: FullHandle;


Functions and Procedures

PROCEDURE ViewPedigree;
PROCEDURE PhylogNew (Biomorph: Person);
PROCEDURE DrawOutFrom (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Detach (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Shoot (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION MouseInBox (MLoc: Point; VAR ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE FollowMouse (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION IsAnAdam (ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION Created: FullHandle;

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