All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
a Globals


AboutID Globals

resource ID for MainWindow

AddBiomItem Globals


AddToAlbum Album

otherwise paste

Album Globals


AlbumBitMap Globals

pointer to active window

AlbumChanged Globals


AlbumEmpty Globals


AlbumFull Album


AlbumNCols Globals


AlbumNRows Globals


AlbumPageID Globals


AlreadyTriangling Globals


AM Globals


Ammonite Miscellaneous


AmmoniteItem Globals


AnimalsMenu Globals


ApplMenu Globals


ArrayDialog Miscellaneous


ArrayItem Globals


AsString Globals


AsymString Globals


AtLeast Triangle


b Globals


BaseHandle Globals


BCount Globals


BigFuncBox Miscellaneous


BilatString Globals


Bivalve Miscellaneous


BivalveItem Globals


BlackCursId Globals


BlackCursor Globals


BlankCursID Globals


BlankCursor Globals


BM Globals

ditto for Operation Menu

box Globals


BoxCursID Globals


BoxCursor Globals


BoxesOnly Miscellaneous


BoxMenu Globals


BoxNo Globals


Brachiopod Miscellaneous


BrachiopodItem Globals


BreedCurrentItem Globals


BreedCursID Globals


BreedCursor Globals


BreedItem Globals


BreedNBoxes Globals


BreedNCols Globals


BreedNRows Globals


BrokenOut Globals


BSize Globals


burst Globals


BusinessPart Globals


c Globals


CarefulThreshold Globals


centre Globals


child Globals


chromosome Globals


CleanUp Miscellaneous


ClearItem Globals


Clip1ID Globals


Clip2ID Globals


Clip3ID Globals


ClipBoarding Globals


ClipID Globals


CloseAlbumItem Globals


ClosePlayBack Album


ClosePlaybackItem Globals


Compass Globals


CompletenessType Globals


Cone Miscellaneous


ConeItem Globals


copiedanimal Globals


Copyitem Globals


Created Pedigree


CurrentGeneratingCurve Globals


CurrentPage Globals


CursList Globals

defines screen dimensions

CursorList Globals


CustomiseItem Globals


CutItem Globals


DamageRect Globals


Danger Globals


DAon Globals


DawkFilter Miscellaneous


DDetails Globals

added v1.1 if TRUE hide our windows when switched out.

defaultDir Globals

name of disk we are running on

DefaultVolNum Globals

name of fossil file, normally 'Fossil History'

DefaultVolume Globals

******** File Stuff **********

DelayedDrawing Globals


Delayvelop Biomorphs


DeleteOldFile Miscellaneous


DestRegion Globals


Detach Pedigree


DetachItem Globals


Develop Biomorphs


Direction Biomorphs


DireMessage Miscellaneous


dirID Globals

name of disk we are running on

DisplayError ErrorUnit


DisplayPedigreeItem Globals


DMutsize Globals

W for Window Menu

DoAnimalsMenuCommands User_Interface


DoArray Biomorphs


DoBreed Biomorphs


DoClear Album


DoClose Album


DoColLess Biomorphs


DoColMore Biomorphs


DocumentCount Globals


DocumentMessage Globals


DoEngineer Engineering


DoHighlight Biomorphs


DoLoad Album


DontDraw Globals


DoPlayBack Album


DoResources Biomorphs


DoRowLess Biomorphs


DoRowMore Biomorphs


DoSaltation Engineering


DoSave Album


DotheSave Globals


DoubleMirrorItem Globals


DownCursID Globals


DownCursor Globals


DragArea Globals

******** Screen stuff ************

Drawi Miscellaneous


DrawInt Miscellaneous


DrawOutCursID Globals


DrawOutCursor Globals


DrawOutFrom Pedigree


DrawOutItem Globals


DrawPic Biomorphs


DrawReal Miscellaneous


DriftItem Globals


DriftOne Globals


DriftSweepItem Globals


DummyRect Globals


EditMenu Globals


Eloise Miscellaneous


EloiseItem Globals


EM Globals

ditto for File Menu

Emphasize Album


EngineeringItem Globals


EqCursID Globals


EqCursor Globals


EraseInnerRect Miscellaneous


ErrorID ErrorUnit


ErrorType ErrorUnit

Error alert box resource ID

Evolve Biomorphs


FewerColumnsItem Globals


FewerRowsItem Globals


Fig Miscellaneous


FigItem Globals


FileMenu Globals


fileName Globals

Folder ID for fossil file and app

FileSize Miscellaneous


FindDlogPosition Miscellaneous


Finished Globals


firstBiomorph Globals


FirstTime Globals


FlickerTriangle Triangle


FM Globals

index into MenuList for Apple Menu

FollowMouse Pedigree


FossilCounter Globals

location of text

Fossilizing Globals


FossilsExist Miscellaneous


FossilsToSave Globals


FrameInnerRect Miscellaneous


FrameOuterRect Miscellaneous


frontw Globals

pointer to entire screen

Full Globals


FullHandle Globals


FullPtr Globals


FullSize Globals


FuncBox Miscellaneous


Gallaghers Miscellaneous


GallaghersItem Globals


GeneBox Globals


GenesDialog Miscellaneous


GenesDlogID Globals


GenesHeight Globals


God Globals


GodCounter Globals


GodHandle Globals


GodPtr Globals


GracefulDeath Album


Grow Miscellaneous


GrowArea Globals

defines area where window can be dragged in

gSystem Globals


GunCursID Globals


GunCursor Globals


HandCursID Globals


HandCursor Globals


HandleEvent User_Interface


height Globals


HelpCurrentItem Globals


HelpMenu Globals


HelpMessage Miscellaneous


HelpMiscItem Globals


hideInBackGround Globals


HighlightBiomItem Globals


HitListHead Globals


HM Globals

ditto for Pedigree Menu

HopeMonsterItem Globals


HorizPos Globals


iconhalfsize Globals


ImportPICT Miscellaneous


ImportPICTItem Globals


inc Globals

v1.1 A record of info on the capabilities of the current system

incy Globals


InitFossRecItem Globals


Initialize Initialize


InjectCursID Globals


InjectCursor Globals


IOError ErrorUnit


IsAnAdam Pedigree


IsEOF Miscellaneous


j Globals


JapaneseWonder Miscellaneous


JapaneseWonderItem Globals


k Globals


kAlbumID Globals


kAlertStringsID Globals

new STR# IDs for alerts - v1.1

kBiomorphID Globals


kClosingID Globals


kFossilsID Globals


KillItem Globals


kQuittingID Globals


kResettingID Globals


LargeMenus Miscellaneous


LastGetFileName Globals

Record size for saving to files.

LastMouse Globals


LastPutFileName Globals

Record size for saving to files.

LayoutDialog Miscellaneous


leftan Globals


leftCursID Globals

CURSORS > made these contiguous numbers so that they can be read in a loop and checked - Alun

leftCursor Globals


LeftRightPos Engineering


LensCursID Globals


LensCursor Globals


LighterFaster Globals


Lightning Miscellaneous


LightningItem Globals


Lin Globals


LinHandle Globals


LinPtr Globals


LoadAlbumItem Globals


LoadFossilsItem Globals

v1.1 added these menu item constants.

LoadingFossils Globals


MainID Globals

windowKind of pascal windows

MainPeek Globals


MainPtr Globals

******** Window stuff ***************

MainRec Globals

pointer to main window

MainTriangle Triangle


MakeGeneBox Biomorphs


MakeOffScreen Miscellaneous


Manipulation Engineering


MarchingOrders Globals


margarine Biomorphs


margin Globals


MaxAlbum Globals


MaxBoxes Globals

v1.1 was set to 15, but turbo version said 100

MaxGene9 Globals


MaxPages Globals

name of fossil file, normally 'Fossil History'

MaxResources Miscellaneous


MemoryMessage Miscellaneous


Menagerie Globals


MenuCnt Globals

*** Menu Constants ***

MenuList Globals

******** Menu stuff ***************

MidBox Globals


Midline Globals


MidPoint Globals


MidScreen Globals


min Biomorphs


MirrorBits Miscellaneous


Mirrorshot Globals


MLoc Globals


MM Globals

ditto for Boxes Menu

mode Globals


MoreColumnsItem Globals


MoreRowsItem Globals


Morph Globals


mous Globals


MouseInBox Pedigree


MoveItem Globals


MugShot Globals


Mut Globals


MutProb Globals


MutSizestart Globals


MutTypeNo Globals


mybitmap Globals


MyControl Globals


MyPat Globals


MyPenSize Globals


MyPic Globals


MyPicture Globals


NActiveBoxes Globals


naive Globals


Nautilus Miscellaneous


NautilusItem Globals


NBoxes Globals


Ncols Globals


NoMirrorsItem Globals


NowMouse Globals


NPages Globals


NRows Globals


NumberInFile Globals


Odd Miscellaneous


OffCentre Globals


OldBox Globals


OldMode Globals


oldspecial Globals


OldSpecialFull Globals


OM Globals


OperMenu Globals


OwnCursor Triangle


OwnEditMenu Miscellaneous


Page Globals


PartOfBox Globals


PascalKind Globals


Pastable Globals


PasteItem Globals


Pause Miscellaneous


PBoxNo Globals


PedigreeMenu Globals


person Globals


PhylogNew Pedigree


Pic Globals


PicSizeMax Globals


PlayBackPtr Globals

holds data for main window

PlayBackRecord Globals


PlayBackRect Globals


PlayFossilItem Globals


PlotTriangle Triangle


PlusIconString Globals


PM Globals

ditto for Mutations Menu

PointArray Globals


Poop Miscellaneous


PositionDialog Miscellaneous

Dialog Manager utilities

PRect Globals


PSize Globals


PtrInteger Globals


PtrString Globals


QCursID Globals


QCursor Globals


QuitItem Globals


QuitPlaybackItem Globals


r1 Globals


r2 Globals


r3 Globals


RadialString Globals


RandCursID Globals


RandCursor Globals


RandInt Miscellaneous


RandSwell Miscellaneous


Rapa Miscellaneous


RapaItem Globals


Rays Globals


RazorShell Miscellaneous


RazorShellItem Globals


ReadAnimals Album


RealToString Miscellaneous


RecordFossilItem Globals


RectOfInterest Globals


Region2 Globals


RememberMode Globals


RememberSpecial Globals


Reproduce Biomorphs


ResetFossils Album


RestoreOffScreen Miscellaneous


rightan Globals


rightCursID Globals


rightCursor Globals


RootGod Globals


Rung Engineering


RunningFull Globals


SafetyValve Globals


SaveAlbumItem Globals


SaveAlbumString Globals


SaveAnimals Album


SaveBiomorphItem Globals


SaveBiomorphString Globals


SaveFossilsItem Globals


SaveFossilString Globals


SaveGod Globals


SaveMode Globals


SaveRegion Globals


SaveSlides Album


Scallop Miscellaneous


ScallopItem Globals


ScissorCursId Globals


ScissorCursor Globals


ScreenArea Globals

defines area to which a window's size can change

ScreenPort Globals

pointer to MainRec

ScrollBarWidth Globals


SendToClipBoard Biomorphs


SetItemState Miscellaneous


SetUpBoxes Biomorphs


ShellColour Globals


Shoot Pedigree


ShowAlbumItem Globals


ShowChangedGene Biomorphs


ShowGeneBox Biomorphs


SideView Globals


SideViewItem Globals


SimpleMessage Miscellaneous

27291 for Fewer album screens, 27295 for Careful

SingleMirrorItem Globals


SingleString Globals


SizeOfPerson Globals

fileNum of fossil file

SizeWorry Globals


Slides Globals

volRefNum is volume containing fossil file, DefaultVolNum contains app

SmallFuncBox Miscellaneous


SmallMenus Miscellaneous


SmallNumber Globals


SMutSize Globals


snail Miscellaneous

Turbo routine, except this returns bytes (since we don't use pascal type-files now).

SnailItem Globals


Snapshot Biomorphs


SomethingToRestore Globals


special Globals


SpecialBreedMenu Globals

holds menu info

SpecialFull Globals


SpecMenu Globals


SpokesType Globals


StackSize Globals

v1.1 was set to 50

StartDocuments Miscellaneous


StartPlayBack Album


StoreBreedingScreen Album


StoreChild Globals


StoreOffScreen Miscellaneous


Sundial Miscellaneous


SundialItem Globals


SweepOn Globals


SwellType Globals


SyringeMessage Miscellaneous


TakeCare Album


target Globals


Targetevolve Biomorphs


TDetails Globals

added v1.1 if TRUE hide our windows when switched out.

TempMemCallsAvailable Miscellaneous


Text1ID Globals

resource ID for dialog box

Text2ID Globals

resource IDs for 'About...' text

Text3ID Globals


Text4ID Globals


TH Globals

event passed from operating system

ThatFull Globals


theBiomorph Globals


theCursor Globals

used to hold cursor handles

theEvent Globals


theGod Globals


TheMode Globals


ThereAreLines Globals


theScale Globals


ThisMenagerie Globals


ThisPic Globals


Threshold Globals

v1.1 A record of info on the capabilities of the current system

TickDelay Globals


TMutSize Globals


TooLargeString Globals


topan Globals


TopBoxHeight Globals


TrapAvailable Miscellaneous

Operating System utilities

TriangleItem Globals


TriangleLeftItem Globals


TriangleRightItem Globals


TriangleTopItem Globals


trickle Globals


tSystem Globals


Tun Miscellaneous


TunItem Globals


Turritella Miscellaneous


TurritellaItem Globals


TV Globals

event passed from operating system

TwoToThe Miscellaneous


UnCurtainPage Album


UndoItem Globals


UpCursId Globals


UpCursor Globals


UpDnString Globals


Verdict Globals


VertPos Globals


ViewPedigree Pedigree


ViewPedigreeItem Globals


volRefNum Globals

name of fossil file, normally 'Fossil History'

WarnDiscString Globals


WarnIconString Globals


WarningHasBeenGiven Globals


WDetails Globals

added v1.1 if TRUE hide our windows when switched out.

Whelk Miscellaneous


WhelkItem Globals


width Globals


WNEIsImplemented Miscellaneous


WorryMax Globals


ZeroMargin Globals


Zoom Album


Zoomed Globals


Generated by PasDoc 0.14.0.