Unit Pedigree

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Pedigree mode allows the user to draw out family trees. This unit contains several private functions and procedures which are not part of its public interface, such as HighlightAll, HighlightPedigree, FindLastGod, etc.



Functions and Procedures

PROCEDURE PhylogNew (Biomorph: Person);
PROCEDURE DrawOutFrom (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Detach (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Shoot (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION MouseInBox (MLoc: Point; VAR ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE FollowMouse (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION IsAnAdam (ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION Created: FullHandle;


Functions and Procedures

PROCEDURE PhylogNew (Biomorph: Person);
PROCEDURE DrawOutFrom (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Detach (ThisFull: FullHandle);
PROCEDURE Shoot (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION MouseInBox (MLoc: Point; VAR ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE FollowMouse (ThisFull: FullHandle);
FUNCTION IsAnAdam (ThisFull: FullHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION Created: FullHandle;

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