Dawkins' Watchmaker Source Second Edition
Documentation (fpdoc)
The goal of the Second Edition is to produce a fair copy of the original
Think Pascal 4.0 sources for Blind Watchmaker which satisfy these conditions:
- Compilable with Free Pascal, against System 7.1 Pascal interfaces patched with
reference to Inside Macintosh (1985 edition);
- Continued compatibility with Think Pascal 4.0 under Classic Mac OS 9.0.4 emulation using SheepShaver
- Documented using FPCDocs, the automatic documentation generator for Free Pascal
- Line-for-line synchonization between classic source and 2nd edition (no lines added or deleted.)
Roadmap for the Second Edition
2.0: ("Syntax") Full source cross-compiler compatibility between Think Pascal 4.0 and Free Pascal 2.4.0
2.1: ("Semantics") Eliminate compiler warnings in Free Pascal (unused variables, unused units, etc.)
2.2: ("UPI") Convert to using revised Macintosh Universal Pascal Interface, in preparation for compilation with Ingemar's Think Pascal 4.5a1,
2.3: Compile with CodeWarrior 7.1 using new UPI.
Porting back to Think Pascall
Think Pascal 4.0 only likes source files which it created itself. These have
file type attribute TEXT and creator resource PJMM. FileTyper 5.3.1 is used to create an "AutoTyper" which will change these
attributes when source files are dropped onto it.
Changes to Dawkins' original source for the Second Edition
Unit file names have been synchronized with unit names according to these rules:
- Files not used in the last Dawkins edition of Watchmaker are excluded from this release.
- Files for each application are placed in a single folder for that application.
- All Pascal source files end with a .pas extension.
- Where the file name differs from the name of the unit contained within it, the file
is renamed to match the unit (not vice versa.)
- The unit name is capitalized to follow the capitalized naming of the source file.
- Units called "Engineering" unit have been renamed "EngineeringUnit" (their source
files renamed to EngineeringUnit to make the source compatible with Free Pascal, which
balks at having a unit name that is the same as an enumerated type.
- Spaces in file names have been replaced by underscore.
- An additional USES clause entry, 'MacPascal', is added to the top of each source file
which makes Macintosh toolbox calls.
- An empty unit, 'MacPascal', will satisfy Think Pascal 4.0, as it already has the classic
toolbox interface installed as its native library.
- An unused variable called "return" was confusing the FreePascal compiler, as "return"
is a Pascal reserved word. Commented out.
Random Numbers in Think Pascal
From Inside Macintosh, page I-194:
This function returns a pseudo-random integer, uniformly distributed in the range -32767
through 32767. The value the sequence starts from depends on the global variable randSeed,
which InitGraf initializes to 1. To start the sequence over again from where it began, reset
randSeed to 1. To start a new sequence each time, you must reset randSeed to a random number.
From Free Pascal Random reference:
Random returns a random number larger or equal to 0 and strictly less than L. If the argument L is omitted, a Real number between 0 and 1 is returned (0 included, 1 excluded).
Macintosh System 7.1 PInterfaces
- Installed CONST _GestaltDispatch (A comment said that it had been added, but it hadn't)
Pascal "otherwise" keyword changed to synonym "else".
Missing ThinkPascal 4.0 interfaces
It's necessary to provide dummy units for these units not present in the Think Pascal 4.0 interfaces.